Anton Gerashchenko, consilierul ministrului ucrainean de interne, a postat pe contul său de Twitter un videoclip cu o presupusă execuție a lui Dmitriy Yakushchenko, fost condamnat din Crimeea care a luptat în grupul Wagner. Se presupune că a fost executat cu un baros.
Videoclipul se intitulează „Videoclip de la tribunal pentru trădare”. Acestea sunt capturi de ecran din el.
Mercenar Wagner a fost bătut cu baros de foștii săi camarazi de arme și filmat. Imaginile execuției copiază complet celebrul videoclip al uciderii lui Yevgeny Nuzhin.
A video appeared of an alleged execution of Dmitriy Yakushchenko, ex-convict from Crimea who fought in Wagner group. He was supposedly executed with a sledgehammer.
The video is titled "Video from court for treachery." These are screenshots from it.
— Anton Gerashchenko (@Gerashchenko_en) February 13, 2023
Another #Wagner mercenary was sledgehammered by his former comrades-in-arms and videotaped.
The footage of the execution completely copies the famous video of the murder of Yevgeny #Nuzhin.
— NEXTA (@nexta_tv) February 13, 2023
New video. A continuation of the history of Nuzhin. PMC #Wagner executed their soldier ( another one) with a sledgehammer again
He says that he’ll be executed cos he refused to fight in Ukraine
U can read the history of Nuzhin on wikipedia at the link👇
— Albina Fella 🐆 ✙ 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇫🇷🇩🇪🇵🇱🇺🇸🇫🇮🇸🇪 (@albafella1) February 13, 2023