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miercuri, 22 ianuarie 2025 - 15:08
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The Ministry of Culture will receive 2% of the Romanian Lottery profits


The provision appears in an Emergency Ordinance draft

EXCLUSIV Momeala ”marelui premiu” a dublat profitul Loteriei în primele șase luni

In the Wednesday meeting, the Government approved an Emergency Ordinance draft which provides, among other things, that a 2% share of the Romanian National Lottery Company profits will be allocated to the Ministry of Culture for cultural programs.

This money will be used to finance cultural projects, through the National Cultural Fund Administration (AFCN). Projects in various fields are supported by this institution: theatre, dance, music, national cultural heritage, intangible heritage, cultural education.

It is a tool for promoting the return to culture, the shift towards culture, and the democratization of the citizens’ access to culture. I am happy that in this way we can support even more the artistic creation and the artists, especially the younger ones, who study or work in a cultural domain. It is a kept promise. And I hope to pursue other projects of this kind, which would boost artistic creation and our affirmation through culture

Ionut Vulpescu
Minister of Culture
