The human immunodeficiency virus, commonly known as HIV, is the virus that causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) and HIV infection. They both lead to...
Virusul Dyre vizează utilizatorii de e-banking
Un nou val de atacuri informatice cu virusul Dyre vizează clienţi ai instituţiilor financiare din mai multe ţări, printre...
A modified version of the polio virus injected in patients’ glioblastoma brain tumors has eradicated them
A research team at Duke University, led by molecular...
Peste 22.000 de persoane au fost infectate cu virusul Ebola şi 8.795 au murit în Guineea, Sierra Leone şi Liberia
Oamenii de ştiinţă care monitorizează...
This estimate, which was released on Wednesday, was updated until Sunday, November 9th
The number of deaths caused by the epidemic of Ebola hemorrhagic fever...
Şeful Serviciului ceh pentru Sănătatea publică, Vladimir Valenta, a dat asigurări că sunt şanse mici ca virusul Ebola să se răspândească în Cehia
Persoane rămase...
The nurse developed the first symptoms on the 29th of September, after treating two missionaries who suffered from Ebola hemorrhagic fever
The Spanish nurse who...