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miercuri, 22 ianuarie 2025 - 13:33
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Noua listă a țărilor cu risc ridicat. Germania, exclusă de la restricții. Se intră în carantină din 60 de state

Comitetul Național pentru Situații de Urgență (CNSU) a aprobat vineri noua listă a țărilor cu risc epidemiologic ridicat, al căror număr se ridică de...

VICE journalists arrested in Turkey on TERRORISM charges

Vice News was founded in December 2013 by Vice Media, Inc. It mainly broadcasts documentaries about current events, but also posts investigative reports that...

Eight suspected Islamic State militants killed in Russia

  A Russian counter-terrorism agency recently declared that eight suspected Islamic State militants have been shot and killed in Northern Caucasus. The agency stated that the...

The Islamic State has banned gory videos

    ISIS media offices issued a report stating that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi has banned the group from releasing any more gory execution videos. Reportedly, the ban...

ISIS are now using suicide chickens

  The USA has been constantly targeting delivery lines between Iraq and Syria in the past weeks. What this means is that the so-called Islamic...

Photos of Islamic State currency have emerged

  Last year, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi had declared that the Islamic State will start using its own currency system in order to gain freedom from...

Two boys were hanged by the Islamic State for breaking fast on Ramadan

Ramadan is considered the holy month of prayer, fasting and introspection. During the holy month, Muslims are forbidden from eating, drinking, smoking and having...

Coca-Cola employee arrested on the suspicion of trying to join the Islamic State in Syria

  Aminul Islam, the head of IT from the Bangladesh Coca-Cola Company has been arrested. He is suspected of wanting to go to Syria in...

Five reporters have been killed by the Islamic State

Five reporters from Libya had been missing since August, after they left Tobruk, where they were doing a report. They made the mistake of...

„Podul Prieteniei”, reabilitat de firma unui fost șef din CNADNR

Firma o are ca administrator pe Nadia State, fostă șefă a licitațiilor din cadrul Agenției ISPA a CNADNR Asocierea Collini Lavori - Tecnic Consulting Engineering...