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duminică, 23 februarie 2025 - 21:17
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Anunțul făcut de NASA: Gheață și cer albastru pe planeta pitică / VIDEO

Imaginile de la suprafața planetei pitice Pluto obținute de sonda New Horizons, aparținând NASA, prezintă o spectaculoasă "ceață" care conferă culoarea albastră cerului plutonian...

Imagini spectaculoase de pe Pluto, publicate de NASA: “Este o enigmă” / FOTO

O nouă serie de fotografii de înaltă rezoluţie cu planeta pitică Pluto, extrem de spectaculoase, realizate de sonda spaţială New Horizons, au fost publicate...

The New Horizons spacecraft has made it past Pluto. PHOTO

  After nine years and 5 billion kilometres, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has finally made it to Pluto. This is the first time that humanity...

After a small glitch that made it shut down, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft is back in business

  In just a short week from now, a historic event will take place. NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft is going to be the first ever...

We will finally be able to see Pluto as it is

On the left you see the clearest picture of Pluto (and its moon) that there is, and on the right an artist’s rendition of...