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vineri, 31 ianuarie 2025 - 14:08
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pedro sanchez

EU Commission chief: To combat extremist forces, EU must deliver on policy

The European Union must deliver on its policies, and democratic, centrist groups must project a vision on how to tackle the rise of extremism,...

Spain PM urges Asia to open market to Western companies

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez on Thursday urged Asian countries to reciprocate and open their markets to Western companies, according to Reuters. For bilateral trade...

Spain, Austria to push for EU consensus on migration, asylum before 2024

Austria and Spain will seek consensus at the EU level to ensure the European Pact on Migration and Asylum is approved before next year’s...

France opens door to talks with Spain on building gas pipeline

France is willing to resume talks with Spain about building a gas pipeline connecting the two countries as Europe races to reduce its dependence...

Spain: PM rules out lockdowns to stem surge in Covid cases

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez said his government won’t impose lockdowns used at the start of the pandemic to curb the surge in coronavirus...

Spania anunță o nouă stare de urgență, pe măsură ce infecțiile cu COVID cresc

Premierul spaniol Pedro Sanchez a anunțat duminică o nouă stare de urgență într-un efort de a reduce infecțiile cu coronavirus în creștere, impunând restricții...

Premierul Spaniei își cere iertare pentru greșeli, cerând a cincea prelungire a stării de alertă Parlamentului

Premierul spaniol Pedro Sanchez a prezentat, miercuri, scuze pentru erorile comise în gestionarea pandemiei de COVID-19 Spania şi a cerut unitate pentru a ''desăvârşi''...