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duminică, 23 februarie 2025 - 11:11
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VIDEO. Alertă în Spania: virusul cu o rată de mortalitate de 88%, descoperit la un tânăr venit din Guineea Ecuatorială

Spania a detectat primul caz suspect de boala Marburg, o afecțiune infecțioasă mortală care a dus la punerea în carantină a peste 200 de...

HealthMin Rafila: The situation in China regarding pandemic has nothing to do with Europe

Health Minister Alexandru Rafila stated, on Tuesday, that the situation in China regarding the coronavirus pandemic has nothing to do with the situation in...

Romania sees huge jump in COVID-19 cases

Romania on Wednesday recorded a huge jump in COVID-19 infections, hitting a pandemic record of nearly 35,000 daily cases, almost doubling its previous record...

€3 trillion Covid tap should stay on for now, EU official says

The European Union will soon decide on extending special state-aid measures beyond the December 31 deadline, which allowed more government support than its tough...

Health Ministry officials are making plans for third wave of COVID-19

Doctor Andreea Moldovan, Deputy Minister of Health, told TV station Digi 24 that the new COVID-19 wave would be caused by “the British strain...