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sâmbătă, 22 februarie 2025 - 23:04
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EU Commission: Belarus border issue is an attempt to destabilise EU

European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen announced that thousands of migrants on the European Union's eastern borders with Belarus is an attempt by...

Poland closes border with Belarus amid migrant crisis

Poland has closed a border crossing along its eastern border with Belarus as Minsk warned Warsaw against "any provocations" amid a continuing migration crisis...

Belgium PM says all EU states must help handle migration

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander de Croo said on Friday all European Union countries must act in solidarity to be able to handle the rising...

Belarus accused of letting illegal migrants cross into EU

Lithuania accused Belarus of allowing illegal migrants to cross its borders into the European Union, the latest sign of simmering tensions after a Ryanair...

Belarus leader accuses West of using plane incident to try to undermine him

Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on Wednesday accused the West of trying to use the diversion of a Ryanair plane at the weekend to wage...

EU Council agrees to pile more sanctions on Belarus over Ryanair incident

The European Council said on Monday evening after the EU Summit that it calls on members of the council to adopt further targeted economic...

Fury over Belarus airliner action set to dominate EU summit

Europe has reacted with outrage on the forced landing of a Ryanair flight in Belarus, the European Council said that it will consider the...

UE a decis prelungirea cu șase luni a sancțiunilor economice împotriva Rusiei

Consiliul UE a decis vineri prelungirea până la 31 ianuarie 2017 a sancțiunilor economice care vizează anumite sectoare ale economiei rusești, ca urmare a...

Dinamita Ucraina

Sorin Roșca Stănescu Ceea ce oficialii nu pot spune, analiștii spun. Criza din Ucraina reprezintă o veritabilă bombă cu ceas. Extrem de periculoasă pentru România....

„Pacea” de la Minsk, un acord fragil în favoarea Kremlinului

Raluca Dan   În ciuda mesajelor optimiste lansate, joi dimineața, de la Minsk, “declarația” de pace anunțată de liderul de la Kremlin nu este deloc liniștitoare....