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miercuri, 22 ianuarie 2025 - 10:58
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Serbia frees Kosovo police officers but tensions persist

Three Kosovo police officers who were detained for almost two weeks in Serbia have been released, in a development that could help jump-start stalled...

No breakthrough at EU crisis talks with Kosovo, Serbia leaders

The leaders of Serbia and Kosovo failed to agree in EU-mediated crisis talks in Brussels on Thursday on efforts to end weeks of violence...

NATO ready to act to save Kosovo’s peace, calls for de-escalation

NATO forces in Kosovo are ready to face any situation if acts of violence similar to recent encounters threaten the peace, the NATO commander...

VIDEO. Tensiuni la granița cu România: Kosovo interzice intrarea în țară a mașinilor cu numere sârbeşti, iar 3 polițiști kosovari au fost răpiti de...

Autorităţile din Kosovo au interzis intrarea pe teritoriul ţării a automobilelor cu plăcuţe de înamtriculare sârbeşti, decizia marcând o nouă amplificare a tensiunilor dintre...

NATO a cerut, Erdogan trimite trupe în Kosovo

Turcia intenţionează să trimită comandouri în Kosovo duminică şi luni, ca răspuns la solicitarea NATO de a se alătura forţei sale de menţinere a păcii KFOR,...

NATO soldiers injured in Kosovo clashes with Serb protesters

Around 25 NATO peacekeeping soldiers defending three town halls in northern Kosovo were injured in clashes with Serb protesters on Monday, while Serbia's president...

NATO head urges Kosovo to ease tensions with Serbia

NATO chief Jens Stoltenberg called on Kosovo to tone down tensions with Serbia on Sunday, two days after clashes between Kosovan police and protesters...

UK commits to continued NATO support in Kosovo

The United Kingdom has pledged to continue contributing to the NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR) Mission in Kosovo until at least 2026, Minister for Armed...

EU lawmakers green-light visa free travel for Kosovo

European Union lawmakers on Tuesday gave the green light for citizens from Kosovo to travel freely in Europe without visas from next year, according...

Serbia și Kosovo nu au reușit să semneze un acord privind normalizarea relaţiilor

Liderii Serbiei şi Kosovo nu au reuşit, sâmbătă, să semneze un acord privind normalizarea relaţiilor lor complicate, în timpul discuţiilor maraton purtate sub egida...