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miercuri, 12 februarie 2025 - 14:02
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Josep Borrell

Iran warns EU not to list Revolutionary Guards as terrorist entity

Iran warned on Thursday that the European Union would “shoot itself in the foot" by listing the Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist entity,...

EU and Iran to continue working on nuclear deal, Borrell says

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell on Tuesday condemned Iran's support for Russia in its war in Ukraine and the ongoing repression of opposition...

EU urges cooperation as members refill military stocks amid arms supplies to Kyiv

European Union countries should work together in replenishing their military inventories and avoid competing with each other amid ongoing arms deliveries to Ukraine, the...

EU vows retaliation if energy network attacked

The European Union suspects that damage to two underwater natural gas pipelines was sabotage and is warning of retaliation for any attack on Europe’s...

Oficial UE avertizează „urmează o criză triplă: financiară, energetică și alimentară, care va afecta milioane de oameni”

Înaltul Reprezentant al Uniunii Europene pentru afaceri externe şi politică de securitate, Josep Borrell, susține că în următoarele luni lumea se va confrunta cu...

Most countries part of nuclear talks with Iran agree with EU proposal says Borrell

Most countries involved in nuclear talks with Iran agree with a European Union proposal that aims to save a 2015 nuclear deal, the EU's...

Josep Borrell: Aderarea Suediei și Finlandei la NATO ar întări Uniunea Europeană

Aderare Suediei şi Finlandei la NATO ar "întări" Uniunea Europeană, a declarat marţi şeful diplomaţiei europene, Josep Borrell, la o reuniune a miniştrilor apărării...

EU to provide new 500 million euro military aid to Ukraine

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell said on Friday the bloc would provide a further 500 millions euros worth of military support to Ukraine...

UE va acorda Ucrainei un nou ajutor militar, în valoare de 500 de milioane de euro

Josep Borrell, vice-președinte Comisiei Europene a anunţat vineri, în marja reuniunii miniştrilor de externe ai G7 de la Weissenhaus, că blocul comunitar va furniza Ucrainei...

Borrell says Russian reserves should be seized and used to rebuild Ukraine

The European Union's foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, says the bloc should consider seizing the frozen assets from Russia's foreign exchange reserves and using...