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miercuri, 22 ianuarie 2025 - 15:05
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Two boys were hanged by the Islamic State for breaking fast on Ramadan

Ramadan is considered the holy month of prayer, fasting and introspection. During the holy month, Muslims are forbidden from eating, drinking, smoking and having...

Coca-Cola employee arrested on the suspicion of trying to join the Islamic State in Syria

  Aminul Islam, the head of IT from the Bangladesh Coca-Cola Company has been arrested. He is suspected of wanting to go to Syria in...

Cum arată viaţa sub ISIS

  La începutul lunii Aprilie, forţele irakiene au recucerit oraşul Tikrit, de sub controlul ISIS. Chiar dacă asta a reprezentat o victorie majoră asupra Statului...

Five reporters have been killed by the Islamic State

Five reporters from Libya had been missing since August, after they left Tobruk, where they were doing a report. They made the mistake of...

The Islamic State leader’s aide, killed in an air strike in Iraq

The IS leader was „badly wounded” in the attack The Islamic State leader’s aide, Auf Abdulrahman Elefery, a.k.a. Abu Suja, was killed in an air...

The Islamic State has retreated from several districts of the Syrian city of Kobane

The United States announced that they have bombed positions of the Islamic State in Kobane in 18 rounds on Tuesday and Wednesday, killing “several...

Turkey has authorized the US to use its bases in the fight against the Islamic State

The US is leading the coalition which is conducting airstrikes against the IS Turkey has agreed to allow the United States to use its military...

Statul Islamic are celule active în Bulgaria

Kiriak Ţonev: Mai multe persoane care luptă pentru Statul Islamic au fost tratate în spitale din Bulgaria Un expert în lumea arabă, Kiriak Ţonev, a...

Turcia a autorizat SUA să folosească bazele sale în lupta contra Statului Islamic

SUA conduce coaliția care desfășoară atacuri aeriene împotriva SI   Turcia a acceptat să permită SUA să folosească bazele sale militare în campania împotriva jihadiștilor Statului...

Militanții Statului Islamic controlează o treime din orașul sirian Kobane

Pentagonul a avertizat că atacurile aeriene nu vor fi suficiente pentru a salva orașul Kobane asediat de combatanții Statului Islamic Militanții Statului Islamic (SI) controlează...