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miercuri, 22 ianuarie 2025 - 14:47
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G7 expected to agree on exploring a price cap on Russian oil

The Group of Seven (G7) nations are set to announce an effort to pursue a price cap on Russian oil, US officials said Monday,...

Franţa propune plafonarea preţului petrolului la producători

Franţa se pronunţă în favoarea stabilirii unui ”preţ maxim al petrolului” la nivelul ”ţărilor producătoare”, cu scopul de a contracara scumpiri provocate de Războiul...

Ministrul de Externe ucrainean publică imagini cu o fetiță scoasă de sub dărâmături după atacul rușilor asupra Kievului. Apelul lui către G7

Ministrul ucrainean de externe Dmitro Kuleba le-a cerut, duminică, liderilor reuniți la summitul G7 din Munchen mai multe sancțiuni împotriva Rusiei, acuzând atacul rușilor...

G7 hopes to show unity on Ukraine despite darkening economic outlook

The Group of Seven (G7) will seek to demonstrate their long-term support for Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression at a summit starting...

Food security, Republic of Moldova in focus at G7 foreign minister meeting

Foreign ministers from the G7 group of rich nations will discuss how to alleviate food security concerns when they meet in Germany on Friday...

G7 officials exit World Bank meeting as Russian official begins to speak

G7 officials and others walked out of a meeting of the Development Committee that advises the governors of the World Bank and International Monetary...

Statele G7 refuză plata în ruble a gazelor rusești: „Putin e cu spatele la zid”

Statele membre G7 au decis luni că cererea privind plata în ruble a gazelor naturale ruseşti "nu este acceptabilă". Anunțul a fost făcut de...

Germany to host G7 finance meeting from May 18-20

Germany will host the main finance meeting of its presidency of the Group of Seven (G7) economic powers from May 18-20, the Rheinische Post...

G7 ministers present united front against Russia over Ukraine crisis

The world's wealthiest democracies on Saturday sought to present a united front against Russian aggression towards Ukraine as Britain hosted a meeting of foreign...

Afghan refugee with suspected links to the Taliban in custody in France

An Afghan refugee who was recently flown out of Kabul and is suspected to have current or past ties with the Taliban has been...