The Facebook-owned messaging service, WhatsApp has been fined a record €225mln by Ireland’s data watchdog for breaching EU data privacy rules, according to CNBC.
Facebook has banned the Taliban and any content that promotes it from the main Facebook platform, Instagram and WhatsApp. The social media giant said...
Facebook Inc.’s controversial use of WhatsApp customer data is set for further scrutiny in the European Union after regulators raised doubts about the social...
Donald Trump a anunţat că va depune o plângere colectivă în justiţie împotriva giganţilor Facebook, Twitter, Google şi a directorilor lor executivi, pe care...
Regulators in the U.K. and the EU on Friday launched formal competition investigations into Facebook, according to CNBC.
The U.K.’s Competition and Markets Authority said...
Facebook Inc. issued a new report on Wednesday showing that most networks of accounts that the company removes for “inauthentic behaviour” originate in Russia...