The European Union should consider jointly borrowing to finance investment in economic security and defence, Spain's Finance Minister Carlos Cuerpo said on Tuesday, joining...
Rusia se pregăteşte pentru o confruntare militară cu Occidentul în următorul deceniu, dar ar putea fi descurajată printr-o consolidare a forţelor armate a aliaţilor,...
Estonia îl expulzează pe liderul Bisericii Ortodoxe Ruse, Mitropolitul Evgheni, pe care l-a numit drept o amenințare la adresa securității naționale, a anunțat joi...
Guvernul bulgar a aprobat miercuri un proiect de memorandum pentru achiziționarea în comun de sisteme de apărare antiaeriană la sol în cadrul inițiativei "Scutul...
A draft memorandum for the joint purchase of ground-based air defence systems within the framework of the ‘European Sky Shield’ initiative was approved by...
The European Commission said it has issued formal notices to Bulgaria, Romania and four other EU member states, launching an infringement procedure due to...
The three incidents which resulted in damage to a gas pipeline and two telecom cables between Estonia, Finland and Sweden, “are related," Estonian Prime...
Estonia believes that damage to a telecommunications cable in the Baltic Sea between Sweden and Estonia is related to damage to a pipeline and cable...