German Chancellor Olaf Scholz announced on that Monday European Union countries Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria all meet the requirements to become full members of...
Momente de teroare la bordul unui avionlui Airways Boeing pe ruta Paphos (Cipru) către Manchester, cauzate de un bărbat, cu siguranță având o alcoolemie...
European Union finance ministers on Tuesday formally approved Croatia becoming the 20th member of the euro common currency at the start of 2023, according...
Croația a expulzat 24 de angajați ai ambasadei Rusiei din cauza „agresiunii brutale” împotriva Ucrainei, a anunțat Ministerul croat de Externe, citat de The...
Six European Union member countries are sending a team of cybersecurity experts to Ukraine to help deal with cyber threats after Russia formally recognized two breakaway...
The European Union has prompted a furious backlash over plans to label nuclear and gas as “green” investments, with Germany describing the proposal as...
Croația se poate alătura Spațiului Schengen, au decis, joi, guvernele Uniunii Europene. Această decizie a fost luată după ce Zagrebul a convins Bruxelles-ul că...