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luni, 24 februarie 2025 - 0:50
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French teachers go on strike over handling of pandemic

French teachers have walked out in a nationwide strike Thursday to express anger at the way the government is handling the virus situation in...

Doza „booster” nu se scapă de pandemie. OMS: „Nu este o strategie viabilă”

Lupta împotriva pandemiei covid-19 cu doze ”booster” nu este o strategie viabilă, au avertizat, marţi, experţi din cadrul Organizaţiei Mondiale a Sănătăţii (OMS) -...

”Algoritmul pacientului COVID-19”, publicat în Monitorul Oficial. Ce trebuie să facă o persoană cu suspiciune de infectare

”Algoritmul de parcurs al pacientului cu simptomatologie specifică de COVID-19” a fost publicat, duminică, în Monitorul Oficial, fiind inclus în Planul privind modalitatea de...

Romania’s health minister says fifth wave of COVID-19 has started

Romania's health minister Alexandru Rafila announced on Friday that the country is already in the fifth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic as the Omicron...

Nouă creștere abruptă a cazurilor de COVID-19. Aproape 4.900 de infectări în 24 de ore

Aproape 4.900 de cazuri noi de COVID-19 au fost raportate în ultimele 24 de ore. De asemenea, au fost înregistrate 30 de decese, potrivit...

Romania’s daily COVID-19 infections double after holiday

The number of daily COVID-19 infections more than doubled in Romania on Tuesday following an easing of restrictions during the winter holidays, and officials...

France vows to go ahead with vaccine pass despite parliamentary glitch

French government officials on Tuesday vowed to enact by mid-January as planned a law to block unvaccinated people from hospitality venues, despite the legislation...

Romania’s Blue Air to cancel some routes in Jan, Feb due to low demand

Romanian low-cost carrier Blue Air announced on Wednesday that it will cancel some of its flights scheduled for January and February due to low...

Poland reports highest number of COVID-related deaths in fourth wave

Poland reported 794 COVID-related deaths on Wednesday, the highest number in the fourth wave of the pandemic,  Deputy Health Minister Waldemar Kraska said, adding...

France offers intensive care nurses monthly bonus

French Prime Minister Jean Castex announced on Tuesday that France will pay intensive care nurses an extra 100 euros per month from January as it...