Europe needs to be “bolder" on China, which has become “more repressive at home and more assertive abroad,” the president of the European Commission...
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy on Wednesday invited his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping to Ukraine, for what would be the first direct communication between the...
China a dat undă verde folosirii primului vaccin chinez împotriva COVID-19 cu ARN mesager, anunţă miercuri producătorul acestui, în contextul în care vaccinurile din...
Chinese President Xi Jinping arrived in Moscow Monday for talks with Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin including on Beijing’s proposals to end the war in...
Companiile chineze, inclusiv una conectată cu guvernul de la Beijing, au trimis entităţilor ruse 1.000 de puşti de asalt şi alte echipamente care ar...
The European Union presented plans Thursday to fundamentally revamp its policies on dealing with critical raw materials, imposing limits on imports from countries like...