Igor Gorgan, fostul șef al Marelui Stat Major al Armatei Republicii Moldova, a colaborat cu serviciul secret militar al Rusiei (GRU), a anunțat publicația...
The European Union's 6-billion euro growth plan for the Western Balkans is a potential “game changer" that could double the size of regional economies...
In a boost for the floundering EU enlargement, the European Commission recommended on Wednesday opening accession talks with Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova...
Un film documentar realizat recent a reaprins disputele din Bosnia-Herțegovina, într-un context politic, economic și geostrategic foarte delicat. Filmul aduce în atenție un caz...
Bosnia's international peace envoy has urged European Union leaders to send a message of encouragement to the six Balkan countries seeking membership of the...
The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Romania and Bosnia and Herzegovina and...