Fostul preşedinte afgan Ashraf Ghani a încercat, miercuri, să motiveze plecarea sa bruscă din Kabul, în condiţiile în care talibanii invadaseră oraşul. Într-o declaraţie,...
In the last call between U.S. President Joe Biden and his Afghanistan counterpart before the Taliban seized control of the country, the leaders discussed military...
The president of Romania Klaus Iohannis ordered on Monday the immediate involvement of the Romanian military aircraft to evacuate from the Kabul International Airport, Romanian...
Nikita Ishchenko, purtătorul de cuvânt al Ambasadei Rusiei în Kabul, a declarat, luni, pentru agenția de știri RIA, că președintele afgan Ashraf Ghani ar...
The EU’s high representative for foreign affairs, Josep Borrell said EU’s foreign affairs ministers will discuss the situation in Afghanistan on Tuesday afternoon via...
US troops are taking control of Kabul's international airport, while desperate residents try to flee the city after the Taliban seized Afghanistan, according to BBC...