French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday told Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that any forced transfer of people from the southern Gaza city of...
The Netherlands’ former deputy prime minister and a Mideast expert, Sigrid Kaag was appointed the U.N. coordinator for humanitarian aid to war-torn Gaza, the...
United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said on Sunday he will not give up appealing for a humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza, adding that the war...
Antonio Guterres, secretarul-general al ONU, a atras atenția că situația din Gaza este ”mai mult decât o criză umanitară, este o criză a umanității”,...
Israel’s ambassador to the United Nations is calling for the resignation of UN Secretary-General António Guterres after he said the Hamas attack on October...
United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said on Thursday that he had sent Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov “a set of concrete proposals" aimed at...
Ukraine's president and United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres called on Wednesday for the extension of a deal with Moscow that has allowed Kyiv to...
The United Nations Secretary General on Thursday welcomed an agreement by all parties to extend the Black Sea grain deal to facilitate Ukraine's agricultural...
Secretarul general al ONU, Antonio Guterres, a avertizat luni că toate ţările trebuie să aleagă: ori colaborează pentru reducerea emisiilor de dioxid de carbon,...