Kiev and the West accuse Russia of supporting the pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine, which Moscow categorically denies
The Ukrainian soldiers and the Luhansk rebels...
The United States of America are ready to work with the new government of the Republic of Moldova
Washington describes the recent parliamentary elections, held...
Noul autoturism se va numi SLC
Producătorul german Mercedes-Benz va scoate pe piață următoarea versiune a clasei SLK în 2016, potrivit publicației Motor Authority, care...
Messi, care nu a fost rănit în urma acestui incident, i-a raportat arbitrului cele întâmplate, dar acesta i-a acordat jucătorului Barcelonei un cartonaş galben
The President was greeted with booing from the time of his arrival in the Constitution Square, where he attended the military parade
President Traian Basescu...
În competiție, au participat cele mai bune opt gimnaste ale lumii
Gimnasta Larisa Iordache a cucerit medalia de aur în concursul de la Stuttgart, Germania,...
Eurodeputy Maria Grapini stated in the EP that the ICA trial was a political one
The Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) notified the Judicial Inspection...
Worldwide, 36 million people would be victims of some form of „modern slavery”, of which at least 500.000 from Europe
Traffickers use Facebook and other...