Ahmed Aboutaleb fears that „the well-intended Muslims” will be targeted because of the jihadists
The mayor of Rotterdam, Ahmed Aboutaleb, a Muslim of Moroccan origin,...
The message states that the order was given by Ayman al-Zawahiri, inspired by Osama bin Laden
The Al-Qaeda in Yemen terrorist organization claimed responsibility for...
Fiul atacantului portughez Cristiano Ronaldo și-a întâlnit idolul la Zurich, cu ocazia galei FIFA pentru atribuirea trofeului "Balonul de Aur"
Fiul atacantului portughez Cristiano Ronaldo...
The two young women were discovered by Romanian authorities on a train while heading to Syria
Two Austrian teenage girls were arrested after trying to...
Tenismena româncă suferă de o infecţie gastrointestinală
Jucătoarea de tenis Simona Halep, cap de serie numărul unu şi locul 3 WTA, s-a retras, marţi, de...
The anti-terrorism alert plan, maintained at the highest level in Paris. The suspected terrorist is still at large
The first anti-terrorism alert in the Paris...
The police officer started the investigation on the day of the bombing
A French Judicial Police officer committed suicide just hours after the investigation of...
Compania investește peste 5 mld. $ în dezvoltarea unor noi modele
Producătorul britanic Jaguar își va adăuga la portofoliu primul SUV (sport-utility vehicle), odată cu...