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luni, 16 septembrie 2024 - 23:23
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Al Qaeda broadcasted a video of a US hostage, threatening to execute him

The man who appears in the video is a photojournalist kidnapped in the Yemeni capital, in September 2013 Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP)...

Funeral, only with a fee: 500 lei, the charge imposed by a priest for a service

The priest included in the “price” of the funeral a “tax” for renovating the local church A priest from the village of Girugita, Dolj, refused...

Simona Halep şi Horia Tecău vor juca tenis de Moş Nicolae cu 350 de copii

Evenimentul se va desfășura la Tenis Club Idu din Mamaia Jucătorii de tenis Simona Halep şi Horia Tecău vor face schimb de mingi, timp de...

Iranian fighter jets have launched air strikes against the IS group in Iraq

The aircrafts were attacking targets in the Diyala province, on the Iranian border In the last few days, Iranian fighter jets have launched air strikes...

The Ukrainian army and the Luhansk rebels will stop fighting starting Friday

Kiev and the West accuse Russia of supporting the pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine, which Moscow categorically denies The Ukrainian soldiers and the Luhansk rebels...

The US recommends that the leaders of Moldova form a government as soon as possible

The United States of America are ready to work with the new government of the Republic of Moldova Washington describes the recent parliamentary elections, held...

Fotografii-spion cu următoarea versiune SLK din 2016

Noul autoturism se va numi SLC Producătorul german Mercedes-Benz va scoate pe piață următoarea versiune a clasei SLK în 2016, potrivit publicației Motor Authority, care...

Lionel Messi a fost lovit cu o sticlă de plastic în cap în timpul meciului cu FC Valencia / VIDEO

Messi, care nu a fost rănit în urma acestui incident, i-a raportat arbitrului cele întâmplate, dar acesta i-a acordat jucătorului Barcelonei un cartonaş galben Atacantul...

President Traian Basescu, booed on the National Day of Romania

The President was greeted with booing from the time of his arrival in the Constitution Square, where he attended the military parade President Traian Basescu...

Gimnastică: Aur pentru Larisa Iordache în concursul de Cupă Mondială din Stuttgart

În competiție, au participat cele mai bune opt gimnaste ale lumii Gimnasta Larisa Iordache a cucerit medalia de aur în concursul de la Stuttgart, Germania,...