They had supposedly bought “materials” for Amedy Coulibaly from a gun shop
Four men were arrested in the investigation of the Paris attacks from the...
Trei polițiști australieni se află printre cele 17 persoane ucise de către jihadiști la Paris la începutul lunii ianuarie
Australia a ridicat marți nivelul de...
The protesters are hostile towards the Prophet Muhammad caricature, published by the French satirical magazine, AFP stated
At least 7 churches have been burned on...
Fără să fi disputat vreun meci în acest an, tenismenul român a coborât două locuri în acest clasament față de săptămâna trecută
Tenismanul român Victor...
The photos show the hostages taken by terrorist Amedy Coulibaly
CNN broadcasted images captured by the surveillance cameras inside the Hyper Cacher store, while Amedy...