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vineri, 20 septembrie 2024 - 12:41
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The assassination of Russian opposition leader Boris Nemtsov – first reactions and explanations

Russian politician Boris Nemtsov, the leader of the opposition to Putin’s regime, was murdered on the night of Friday to Saturday in downtown Moscow An...

Serbia wants to conduct military exercises with Russia

The EU and the US are opposing Once again, Serbia has expressed its intention to carry out more military exercises with Russia, according to sources...

Military agreement between Cyprus and Russia: Russian ships allowed in Cypriot ports

Russian ships have already made stops in Limassol Wednesday, Cyprus signed a military agreement with Russia through which Russian war ships are granted access in...

BBC: Islamic “Jihadi John” is Mohammed Emwazi from London / VIDEO

Last month, the Islamic State militant appeared in a short video along with Japanese hostages Haruna Yukawa and Kenji Goto, shortly before they were...

Tecău și Rojer, în semifinale la Dubai

Calificarea în semifinale este recompensată cu un premiu total de 31.730 de dolari şi 180 de puncte ATP Horia Tecău și coechipierul său Jean-Julien Rojer...

Bentley Bentayga. GALERIE FOTO

Au apărut primele poze-spion cu SUV-ul celor de la Bentley Primul SUV a celor de la Bentley a fost surprins, în teste, în apropierea Cercului...

Multiplul campion național de raliuri Adrian Berghea a murit la doar 46 de ani

Adrian Berghea este considerat unul dintre cei mai de succes copiloți din istoria României Adrian Berghea, multiplu campion național de raliuri în calitate de copilot,...

Bomb alert in Kishinev, just hours before Iohannis’ visit

Bomb alert at two banks in the capital of Moldova. In the afternoon of the same day, the President of Romania was expected in...

Agreement in Brussels to extend the aid to Greece

The Athens Government must come up with plans against fraud and corruption The European Commission has reached a principle agreement to extend the financial aid...

Russia’s secret plan to split Ukraine

A publication of the opposition in Moscow is presenting a document on these lines Kremlin would have had a plan for its involvement in Ukraine...