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vineri, 20 septembrie 2024 - 17:48
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Acces gratuit pentru femei la Steaua – CFR Cluj

Anunţul a fost postat pe site-ul FC Steaua Clubul Steaua a anunţat, pe site-ul oficial, că femeile care doresc să fie prezente la meciul din...

Salonul de la Geneva: Cum arată Ferrari Sergio, doar 6 exemplare

Ferrari Sergio by Pininfarina, care a fost produs în doar 6 exemplare care au fost deja vândute, a fost prezentat la Geneva cu casa...

Simona Halep, cea mai bună jucătoare a lunii februarie în WTA / VIDEO

Halep a strâns 73% la sută din voturile fanilor, devansându-le pe Lucie Safarova (Cehia), care a obținut doar 15%, și pe Andrea Petkovic (Germania),...

North Korea claims that the aggression on the US Ambassador in Seoul is a „just punishment”

The US Ambassador in South Korea, Mark Lippert, was injured on Thursday in Seoul with a melee weapon, by a nationalist who opposes the...

OFFICIAL: The Malaysian plane that crashed in Ukraine was shot down by a Russian rocket

Dutch prosecutors have completed the inquiry regarding the aviation tragedy in Donetsk The Malaysian Boeing 777 airplane that crashed last summer in the Donetsk region...

School competitions are criminal businesses

Tax evasion and embezzlement are the main allegations in a file opened by the police on several companies that organize school competitions Officers are performing...

MAI – măsuri speciale de securitate pentru „Cupa Davis”

Viceprim-ministrul pentru securitate naţională, ministrul afacerilor interne Gabriel Oprea, a dispus ca Jandarmeria să coordoneze măsurile de ordine şi siguranţă publică pentru buna desfăşurare...

The Ministry of Culture will receive 2% of the Romanian Lottery profits

The provision appears in an Emergency Ordinance draft In the Wednesday meeting, the Government approved an Emergency Ordinance draft which provides, among other things, that...

The dollar has exceeded the psychological threshold of 4 RON

According to the BNR, the average USD/RON rate was 3.34 in 2014 and 3.32 in 2013 On Wednesday, the National Bank of Romania (BNR) announced...

Russia is placing war ships and submarines in the Black Sea

This measure is part of an extensive process of equipping the Navy This year, the Russian Navy will be equipped with 50 more ships and...