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vineri, 17 ianuarie 2025 - 15:40
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Asocierea PSA Peugeot Citroen – General Motors a anunțat unde va construi noua generație de vehicule comerciale. FOTO

Acesta este cel de-al treilea proiect comun din cadrul parteneriatului   Următoarea generație de vehicule comerciale ușoare a producătorilor PSA Peugeot Citroen și General Motors vor...

Echipa de gimnastică a României intră miercuri în „focul” calificărilor la Europene

În lipsa celei mai valoroase gimnaste românce a momentului, Larisa Iordache, accidentată, de la Diana Bulimar vin cele mai mare așteptări, a afirmat antrenorul...

Boko Haram disguised as preachers and killed 24 people

This happened in Borno, Nigeria 24 people died and others were injured in an attack by the Boko Haram militants in Nigeria. The Islamic State-supporters...

An Afghan soldier opened fire on US soldiers

One US soldier was killed and several others were wounded This all happened on Wednesday, at a U.S. Embassy, after an official meeting between the...

Iran will hold a second edition of the international contest that’s mocking the Holocaust

The Second International Holocaust Cartoon Contest will take place in May, in Tehran The Holocaust is what people think of when they hear about World...

Turkish students demand Jedi and Buddhist temples on campus

This is a response to a number of mosques that were built for Muslim students Last month, the Istanbul Technical University’s rector declared that a...

Atheists in Greece want to stop the funding for the „Holy Light” transport

They don’t want people to pay for the transport of the „Holy Light” The „Holy Light” is something which the Orthodox Christians describe as a...

Microsoft hiring autistic people

Microsoft is sure that autistic people’s special skills can help their company The American tech giant Microsoft is considering hiring autistic persons in their company....

Irina Begu, în sferturi la Charleston

Românca s-a calificat fără joc, după retragerea Ekaterinei Makarova Irina Begu s-a calificat fără joc în sferturile de finală ale turneului WTA de la Charleston...

ISIS still losing ground

Apparently, they have been appealing for a ceasefire with the Kurds The appeal has been, obviously, denied. This is following numerous battles lost by ISIS...