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sâmbătă, 21 septembrie 2024 - 5:46
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A cure for Alzheimer’s is on the way

Human trials could start as soon as 2017 Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is responsible for 70% of dementia cases. It’s a neurodegenerative disease that physically alters...

Simona Halep, prima în ierarhia ”Road to Singapore”

Românca se menține pe locul al treilea în clasamentul mondial al jucătoarelor profesioniste de tenis (WTA), dat publicității luni Simona Halep se menține pe locul...

Kim Jong-un will make his first trip abroad since taking power

This will supposedly be the first time Kim Jong-un leaves North Korea in the three years since he has been its supreme leader Kim Jong-un...

The French Parliament has passed the „deep sleep” law

This would allow terminally-ill patients to enter a sleep-like state until they die An overwhelming majority of 436 favorable votes has led to the approval...

România, ţara aleasă pentru reclamele la noile modele Kawasaki Versys

România a fost ţara aleasă drept platou de filmare pentru două reclame la noile modele de motociclete Kawasaki Versys Conform portalului pemotoare.ro, reclama la Kawasaki...

Simona Halep și Serena Williams, adversare în semifinalele turneului de la Indian Wells

Românca, a treia favorită la Indian Wells, a trecut, miercuri, de spaniola Carla Suarez, numărul 13 mondial (cap de serie nr. 12), cu 5-7,...

Is Russia trying to take South Ossetia as well?

An agreement signed on Wednesday between the two would say „probably” An agreement was signed on Wednesday in the Kremlin that is alarming both the...

Islamic State „wives” are being passed around once a week

This fact has been revealed by a former Islamic State militant 33 year-old Hamza, a former militant of the Islamic State, revealed the harsh living...

Iran and Hezbollah are no longer on the terror threats list

The "Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Communities" of the 26th of February highlighted the fact the Iran is fighting Sunni extremists This is...

Traian Basescu is being prosecuted for extortion

The former President showed up on Wednesday, at 10.50, at the General Prosecution Office Wednesday, former President Traian Basescu showed up at the General Prosecution...