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sâmbătă, 21 septembrie 2024 - 20:23
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How delivering the wrong burger at McDonald’s can get you killed

If you ever find yourself working in a McDonald’s restaurant, make sure you double-check before delivering the order to your customer. A woman from Michigan,...

China warns that North Korea might be a much bigger threat than previously thought

During a briefing with U.S. nuclear experts, Chinese experts stated that North Korea might be a much bigger threat than it was previously thought. The...

40% of Russian universities will be shut down

The Russian Government will close approximately 40% of the country’s universities by the end of 2016. The university branches will also be cut by...

A resistance group has been founded in Mosul

A Sunni resistance group has been founded in Mosul and is sniping down ISIS members. There have also been reports of kidnappings and arson. "At...

The Vatican is neither accepting nor rejecting France’s gay ambassador

Laurent Stefanini, a French openly gay diplomat, is France’s nominee as its ambassador to the Vatican. Three months have passed since the nomination and a...

The accountant of Auschwitz is facing trial

Oskar Groening, 93, is a former SS officer, who was in charge of the book-keeping at Auschwitz. He made his Auschwitz activities public in...

Primul BMW care se parchează singur / FOTO

Noul sedan de lux seria 7 va fi prima mașină de serie din lume, care poate fi parcată fără ca cineva să fie la...

China is planning to build a tunnel beneath Mt. Everest

Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world, standing at 8848 meters above the sea level. The border between Nepal and China is...

Uyghur Muslims forced to dance in China

Uyghur Muslims are a minority in China which the Chinese Government represses in the name of counter terrorism. This has been criticized by human...

Australia is ending religious exemption for vaccination

Vaccines are a controversial topic. They are used to prevent suffering and death from infectious diseases, like hepatitis b, rotavirus, tetanus, influenza, measles and...