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sâmbătă, 21 septembrie 2024 - 22:38
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Nuclear arms stockpiles cut to minimal levels by Russia

Russia is fulfilling the terms of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), reducing nuclear arms stockpiles to the minimum. Russia’s aim is...

The Kurdish militia is recruiting ex-U.S. soldiers to fight against ISIS

An online application has appeared, allowing former U.S. soldiers to sign up for the Peshmerga, to fight against ISIS. The website is part of the...

Five reporters have been killed by the Islamic State

Five reporters from Libya had been missing since August, after they left Tobruk, where they were doing a report. They made the mistake of...

A former nurse has been jailed for raping unconscious patients

Andrew Hutchinson, a 29 year old Brit from Oxfordshire, has been found guilty of rape, voyeurism, sexual assault, outraging public decency, theft, possession of...

An HIV home test kit is up for sale in the United Kingdom

The first ever HIV self-test has been approved in the United Kingdom and is up for sale at this moment. The test detects antibodies...

Diesel fuel produced from water and carbon dioxide

A press release on Audi’s Mediaservices website states that the German car manufacturer has invented a carbon-neutral synthetic diesel fuel. Audi e-diesel, how it’s...

The Cuban cancer vaccine is heading to the US for trials

The result of a 25-year Cuban research project is a therapeutic vaccine for lung cancer. It is used in Cuba for adults that are...

HCM Baia Mare a câștigat Cupa României la handbal feminin

HCM Baia Mare a cucerit Cupa României la handbal feminin,  după ce a învins-o în finală pe CSM București cu scorul de 18-17   Meciul a...

Halep a învins-o pe Șarapova. În sfârșit!

Românca va reveni de luni pe locul 2 în clasamentul WTA Jucătoarea de tenis Simona Halep va reveni luni pe locul al doilea în clasamentul...

Simona Halep, prima jucătoare care înregistrează 25 de victorii în acest an

Românca, care a câştigat trei turnee în 2015, la Shenzhen, Dubai şi Indian Wells, a fost învinsă doar de trei ori Simona Halep, locul 3...