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duminică, 22 septembrie 2024 - 2:37
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Five foreigners beheaded in Saudi Arabia, then hung from a helicopter

  Five foreigners were recently beheaded in the city of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, after which their corpses were hung from a helicopter, in order to...

The selfie that ended up in a disaster

  Last March, two American tourists carved their initials in the Roman Colosseum, then took a selfie in front of them. That seems like nothing compared...

Campionatele de fotbal din Spania au fost suspendate

Toate meciurile de fotbal au fost suspendate în Spania, pe durată nedeterminată, de Federaţia Regală Spaniolă de Fotbal Federaţia Regală Spaniolă de Fotbal a suspendat orice meci...

UK authorities seized 3 tons of cocaine

  A ship has been intercepted in the North Sea thanks to the NCA (National Crime Agency) intelligence. The ship was taken into the Aberdeen harbor...

Mazda debutează cu SUV-uri mici în România

Mazda debutează oficial în segmentul SUV-urilor mici din România cu lansarea noului CX-3, cel mai mic preț fiind de 15.300 de euro Noul CX-3 a...

Parents strike in Canada because of sex-Ed classes

  A number of teachers, parents and students are striking because of the introduction of sex-Ed classes in Ontario schools. “Parents & Students on strike: one...

Chinese shops MUST sell alcohol and cigarettes

  Chinese shopkeepers from the Xinjiang region have been ordered by the authorities to sell alcohol and cigarettes. They must also advertise them with huge,...

A new blood test for ovarian cancer proved to be 86% accurate

  The test works by tracking the changes in the protein levels of the blood. The traditional test is less than 50% accurate, so this...

You will soon be able to eat your PayPal password

  PayPal wants to create a new device. A password pill that logs you into your accounts automatically. You just have to be in range...

March in San Antonio for the legalization of marijuana

  On Sunday, around 300 people marched through the streets of San Antonio in order to raise awareness about the state’s marijuana laws. The National Organization...