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duminică, 22 septembrie 2024 - 9:37
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Monica Niculescu a câştigat turneul ITF de la Marsilia

Românca a învins-o, în finală, cu scorul de 6-2, 7-5, pe Pauline Parmentier (Franţa), a opta favorită a competiţiei şi poziţia 95 în ierarhia...

Starting June 1st, smoking in public places has been banned in Beijing

  Over one million Chinese citizens die every year from smoking. Because of this, smoking in restaurants, offices, and public transport is now prohibited throughout...

France is fighting ISIS online by recruiting hackers

  France has announced the fact that it will start to recruit hackers, in order to fight-off ISIS attackers and recruiters. Their job would be to...

LSD is set to enter medical trials

  Lysergic acid diethylamide, or simply LSD, is a psychedelic drug, known for its psychological effects, including synesthesia, spiritual experiences, and altered thinking process. It...

Edward Snowden says it was all worth it

  Edward Snowden is an IT professional, which, in June 2013, leaked classified information, exposing mass-surveillance programs, such as GCHQ’s Tempora (Britain) and NSA’s Prism...

A functioning hoverboard created by a Romanian has set a new world record. VIDEO

  Catalin Alexandru Duru, a Romanian-born Canadian inventor, has managed to fly a stunning 275 meters on his hoverboard. The record was set on the 22nd...

Creationism banned from Scottish Science classes

  The Scottish Secular Society had previously started a petition which aimed to ban the teaching of creationism as an alternative for evolution in schools. After...

Organizatorii Raliului Moldovei au definitivat programul. Vezi harta și atracțiile principale

  Raliul Moldovei Moinești, programat în perioada 25-27 iunie, propune concurenților un format compact, alcătuit din 11 probe speciale, împărțite de-a lungul a două zile...

The world’s first cannabis pharmacy has opened in London

  Michal Takac, a Czech businessman, has opened a Carun Pharmacy in London. Said pharmacy exclusively sells hemp-based products. Mr. Michal suffered an accident several years...

Coca-Cola employee arrested on the suspicion of trying to join the Islamic State in Syria

  Aminul Islam, the head of IT from the Bangladesh Coca-Cola Company has been arrested. He is suspected of wanting to go to Syria in...