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duminică, 22 septembrie 2024 - 15:27
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Child of anti-vaccination parents dies of diphtheria

Diphtheria is an infectious disease that has been abolished from Spain for 28 years. Its symptoms begin with a sore throat and a mild...

Cine este adversara Simonei Halep în primul tur la Wimbledon

Turneul este al treilea de Mare Șlem al anului Simona Halep, numărul trei mondial și a treia favorită, va juca împotriva slovacei Jana Cepelova, în...

Marseille and Paris blocked by protesting taxi drivers

  Uber is an USA-based international transportation company. Using the Uber app, users can request a taxi-like trip. It has been welcomed with open arms...

A Dutch politician broadcasted cartoons featuring the Prophet Mohammad on national television

    Greet Wilders, the leader of the Party for Freedom (PVV), a Dutch far-right political party, has broadcasted a slideshow of cartoons featuring the Prophet...

Comprehensive study shows there’s no difference in children raised by same-sex couples

  A Judge of the Supreme Court once stated that there is a lot of disagreement between sociologists regarding the consequences of growing up with...

Noul crossover Renault Kadjar, disponibil în România. Galerie foto

  Producătorul francez Renault a anunțat lansarea la vânzare, în România, a modelului crossover Kadjar, construit pe o platformă comună a celor Alianței Renault-Nissan. ”Cu noul...

You can now un-send mail sent through Gmail, but only for 30 seconds

    Google has finally added a feature which lets you un-send e-mails. But you only have this option for a maximum of 30 seconds after...

100.000 tons of old, frozen meat have been seized in China

  Chinese authorities have seized approximately 100.000 tons of contraband, frozen meat. According to Time, an inspector declared that he nearly threw up when he...

Ana-Maria Brânză, în finala de la Baku. UPDATE. Românca a luat aurul

Ana-Maria Brânză va lupta pentru aur în proba individuală de spadă din cadrul Jocurilor Europene Baku 2015 UPDATE. Ana Maria Brânză a învins-o, cu scorul de...

A $5 HIV test has been developed by a 15-year-old girl

  Nicole Ticea has received the 2015 Intel Foundation Young Scientist Award for her invention. She has started her own company and got a $100.000...