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duminică, 22 septembrie 2024 - 19:38
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ISIS has reportedly set up a mini base in the Bosnian village of Osve

  An investigation by the Sunday Mirror revealed that a small village in Bosnia might be an ISIS stronghold. Terrorist are reportedly buying land in...

Anders Breivik will study Political Sciences at the University of Oslo

  Anders Breivik is the far-right political activist and terrorist responsible for the 2011 Norwegian attacks which led to the death of 77 people. 8...

Pilotul de formula 1 Jules Bianchi a murit la 9 luni după accidentul de la Suzuka

Pilotul de Formula 1 Jules Bianchi a încetat din viaţă, vineri seară, la Centrul Universitar din Nisa, la 25 de ani Preşedintele Franţei, Francois Hollande,...

Tragerea la sorți pentru competițiile UEFA: Adversari puternici pentru Steaua, ASA și Astra

  Vineri, la Nyon, s-au stabilit jocurile turului al treilea preliminar al UEFA Champions League și Europa League, prin tragere la sorți. FC Steaua, în cazul...

Angela Merkel explains to a teenage Palestinian girl why her family might get deported

  Chancellor Angela Merkel recently visited a school in the city of Rostock and talked with a group of students aged 14 to 17. Among...

UK doctors demand a 20% tax on sugary products

  Doctors in the UK are demanding a 20% tax increase on sugary drinks in order to stop the obesity epidemic that is becoming more...

A 94-year-old Auschwitz accountant has been sentenced to 4 years in prison

  70 years after the events took place, “The accountant of Auschwitz”, as he is known in the media, has been convicted to 4 years...

Japan has (finally) banned the possession of child-pornography

  On Wednesday, Japan’s ban on the possession of child pornography has finally come into effect. Anyone caught owning images, videos, or any other things...

People with HIV are now expected to live almost 20 years longer than in 2001

  The human immunodeficiency virus, commonly known as HIV, is the virus that causes AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) and HIV infection. They both lead to...

The New Horizons spacecraft has made it past Pluto. PHOTO

  After nine years and 5 billion kilometres, NASA's New Horizons spacecraft has finally made it to Pluto. This is the first time that humanity...