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duminică, 29 septembrie 2024 - 2:29
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Cotroceni și Palatul Victoria se unesc prin frăția gemenilor

Andrei Muraru, proaspăt (auto)propus ca ambasador în SUA, are un frate geamăn, Alexandu Muraru, deputat PNL de Iași, care a devenit, de câteva zile,...

Premierul României cere schimbarea unei decizii definitive în instanță

Declarație fără precedent în Justiția din România. Premierul Florin Cîțu cere alte soluții, de la ministrul Justiției, de la procurorul general, la decizia definitivă...

Mesajul lui Pele după ce s-a vaccinat: „Trebuie să rămânem disciplinaţi pentru a proteja vieţi”

Legendarul fotbalist Pele, în vârstă de 80 de ani, a fost vaccinat, marţi, împotriva virsului Sars-Cov-2, informează AFP, potrivit news.ro   Cu acest prilej, el şi-a...

Foreign Investors Council: Investment, the trigger that can restart the economy

The Foreign Investors Council (FIC) welcomes the Parliament’s approval of the budget on Tuesday, in a press release. FIC believes that the budget reflects...

Lufthansa launches flights to Frankfurt from Iași

German airline Lufthansa will operate four flights a week on the Iași-Frankfurt route starting on May 21, according to Romania-Insider. Vasile Stoicea, the interim director...

Study shows 51% of Romanians would like a hybrid car, 85% believe that the infrastructure is not ready

More than half of the people in Romania 51% say that they would consider buying a hybrid car in the future and 28% express...

Romania, Bosnia and Herzegovina celebrated the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations

The Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MAE) welcomes the 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Romania and Bosnia and Herzegovina and...

Romania used EU funds to mitigate the COVID-19 crisis

Minister of Investments and European Projects, Cristian Ghinea declared during the debates in the Parliament's Joint Committee for budget-finance on the 2021 budget that, Romania...

Romania’s martisor tradition to celebrate the start of spring

The tradition of martisor marks the beginning of spring and the change of seasons in Romania. This is only the first of a series...

Romania’s main e-payment platform integrates the local cryptocurrency eGold

Netopia is a Romanian company founded in 2003 to simplify the payment process through technology. About 30,000 Romanian retailers using the local electronic payment...