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duminică, 29 septembrie 2024 - 4:34
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Financial education platform was launched in Romania

The Ministry of Education, the National Bank of Romania, the Ministry of Finance, the Financial Supervisory Authority and the Romanian Association of Banks announced...

Timișoara close to return to lockdown as COVID-19 cases rise

The Mayor of Timișoara Dominic Fritz announced on Wednesday that the number of COVID-19 cases in the city is rising and that there are...

Minister of Culture Gheorghiu: Heritage buildings need prompt intervention

The Minister of Culture Bogdan Gheorghiu, who leads the National Restoration Program (PNR), wrote on Facebook on Thursday that in the past 44 years...

Simona Halep NU participă la Turneul din Dubai

Simona Halep a decis să nu participe la turneul din Dubai, programat să înceapă pe 7 martie, unde românca și-a adjudecat titlul, în 2020. Este...

Cifrul vietii – (Video – Parintele Calistrat)

  Viața noastra este ca un text dintr-o altă limbă, căreia îi înțelegi sensul și rostul după ce cu dictionarul în față ai tradus toate...

S-a decis: EURO 2020 se va disputa cu spectatori în tribune. Câți spectatori vor avea acces

Comitetul Interministerial Euro-2020 a dezbătut intens, miercuri, posibilitatea organizării Campionatului cu public în tribune. Pe masă s-au aflat mai multe scenarii, două dintre cu...

Iohannis: Torturing, trafficking or killing wild animals must be punished

President Klaus Iohannis sent a message on the occasion of World Wildlife Day on Wednesday, stating that torturing, trafficking, or killing wild animals are...

MFA: Romania supports Serbia’s European path

The Minister of Foreign Affairs Bogan Aurescu hosted Stefan Tomasevic, the ambassador of the Republic of Serbia to Romania, on Wednesday. The two dignitaries addressed...

The 1,000,000th person gets vaccinated against COVID-19 in Romania

An 86-year-old woman in Romania is the one-millionth person to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. She received the vaccine from Dr. Valeriu Gheorghita, the national...

University of Bucharest expelled 45 law students for cheating

Marian Preda, the Rector of the University of Bucharest, announced on Tuesday that 45 first-year law students who cheated in the winter exams have...