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duminică, 29 septembrie 2024 - 10:29
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Paşii lui Dumnezeu

  Un om, ajuns în rai, i-a cerut lui Dumnezeu să-i descopere viaţa pe care a trăit-o. Dumnezeu i-a înfăţişat-o ca şi când ea s-a...

Bloomberg Intelligence: Bitcoin to overtake gold as reserve asset

Bitcoin is in the process of replacing gold as a digital reserve asset, according to a report by Bloomberg Intelligence (BI), says Finextra. Increasing demand...

EU Commission: 4M BioNTech-Pfizer doses available by end of March

The European Commission reached an agreement with BioNTech-Pfizer for the supply of four million more doses of COVID-19 vaccines for the Member States in...

Romania toughens rules for public procurement by state hospitals

The Romanian government has issued new rules to increase transparency in public procurement by public hospitals, in an attempt to prevent misuse of public...

Iohannis rules out Easter lockdown and confirms new curfew time

President Klaus Iohannis said at the Cotroceni Presidential Palace on Tuesday that the authorities are not considering implementing any lockdown measures for Easter but...

Vlad Voiculescu #rezist

Ministrul Sănătății Vlad Voiculescu rezistă în functie. În ciuda tuturor zvonurilor din ultimele zile, VV nu va fi schimbat din funcție decât dacă o...

Turkish Defence Minister visits his counterpart in Romania

Turkish Defence Minister Hulusi Akar on Tuesday paid a visit to Bucharest, where he met with his Romanian counterpart Nicolae Ciuca to discuss regional,...

French Embassy in Bucharest increases awareness of gender equality

The French Embassy in Romania launched a communication campaign on Monday, aimed at increasing awareness of gender equality, according to actmedia.eu. The campaign will end...

New Amazon investment further boost for Romania’s IT sector, creating more that 500 jobs

Online retailer Amazon announced on Tuesday a major expansion of its operations as it plans to open three new offices in Romania over the...

Cine l-a dat în gât pe ministrul Vlad Voiculescu la premierul Florin Cîțu

Valeriu Gheorghiță, coordonatorul Comitetului Național de Vaccinare, este cel care a sesizat premierul cu privire la publicarea datelor tuturor centrelor de vaccinare de către...