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duminică, 29 septembrie 2024 - 12:31
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“Jos labele de pe Justiție”

Ministrul justiției, Stelian Ion, recurge la tertipuri judiciare, practicate până acum doar în mandatul de procuror general al Laurei Codruța Kovesi, pentru a cere...

Brasov International Airport expected to open at the end of year

The International Airport in Brasov, central Romania, will be ready to open this year as the construction of the terminal is nearly complete, according...

Romania halts use of AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine

Romanian authorities have temporarily stopped vaccinating people with one batch of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine as an "extreme precaution" but are continuing to use other...

Romania’s first electric vehicle can be pre-ordered from March 20

Dacia, a Romanian automobile producer who is part of the French group Renault, will accept pre-orders for its first electric model, Dacia Spring Electric,...

Cum va arăta circuitul ATP după retragerea celor ”3 mari”: Federer, Nadal și Djokovic

  Dispariția din circuit a celor mai mari trei jucători din istorie ar fi o pierdere imensă pentru orice sport, însă tenisul este destul de...

Raluca Turcan a făcut un efort de imagine pentru „Vinerea Verde”

Ministrul Muncii, Raluca Turcan, n-a avut încotro și a trebuit să renunțe vineri, 12 martie, la mașina de serviciu, pentru campania colegului de la...

Uber expands its services to Craiova in the Southern part of Romania

Uber is available in Craiova,  a city in the south of Romania starting from Thursday making it the seventh city in Romania where the service operates,...

Romania’s Central Bank bond buying paves way for more debt supply

Romania’s central bank bought bonds on the secondary market from commercial lenders on Monday and Tuesday, triggering a rally in the country’s government debt...

Ukraine, Romania aim to strengthen regional security

Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine Vasyl Bodnar and Romanian Ambassador to Ukraine Cristian-Leon Turcanu discussed on Thursday their interest in intensifying political dialogue at...

Iohannis-Stoltenberg phone call: Preparation for 2021 NATO summit

Romania's President Klaus Iohannis and NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg spoke over the phone on Thursday, in preparation for this year's NATO summit and in...