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Statements of Eurodeputy Maria Grapini, investigated by the Judicial Inspection


Eurodeputy Maria Grapini stated in the EP that the ICA trial was a political one


The Superior Council of Magistracy (SCM) notified the Judicial Inspection about the case of PC MEP Maria Grapini, after she declared in the European Parliament that the trial of Dan Voiculescu was an attack on the freedom of the press

SCM believes that these statements seriously affect the independence of justice and notified the Judicial Inspection.

As a result of the allegations of Mrs. Grapini Maria, MEP, made during the intervention in the European Parliament’s plenary session in Strasbourg, where she declared that she wants ‘…to signal the suspicions … regarding the existence of the political trial and about endangering the freedom of the press…’ indicating procedural aspects in the file named ICA, settled by the Bucharest Court of Appeal, the leadership of the Superior Council of the Magistracy, under art. 30, paragraph 1 of Law no. 317/2004, notified the Judicial Inspection to carry out the necessary verifications to determine whether and to what extent it was acted against the independency and impartiality of the judges and as well as of the prosecutors involved in the settlement of said file and if it was acted against the independence of the judiciary system as a whole


Maria Grapini spoke, on the 25th of November, in plenary session of the European Parliament, asserting that Dan Voiculescu’s trial was a political cannon and endangered the freedom of the press in Romania.