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Romanian President Traian Basescu had a nervous breakdown on live television


Monday, Traian Basescu held a press conference at the Cotroceni Palace

Basescu bolnav 2

President Traian Basescu made a press statements on Monday 18.45 (local time), at the Cotroceni Palace. Sursa Zilei transmitted LIVE TEXT of the President’s statements.

The main statements of Traian Basescu:

About the pardon on Monday

Today I signed a decree pardoning Mrs. Tiron Jeana, born in 1942. I pardoned a woman who committed acts of corruption and had two convictions of such acts. One in 1992 and one in 1997.

The corruption charge is linked to the receiving of 35.000 LEI, which include both money and goods. The total value of the fraud is 35 LEI.

She was working as a nurse and promised another person that she would help her get a job as a secretary typist in the Vidra Hospital, where she was working.

She couldn’t be imprisoned from 1997 until now, the certificates from her file show that she was operated for a mammary neoplasm, that she has hepatic cirrhosis, that she sustained stomach surgery, that she has heart failure, diabetes, and the list is much longer. She is, if I’m not mistaking, 72 years old.

17 years after her conviction she should go to jail. I consider that this case, although related to corruption, may be subject to a pardon.

• About the presidential elections

A series of institutions were put under political control and some laws were issued that could seriously affect the elections.

This is about the non-publication in the Official Gazette of the sums allocated to town halls, PSD (Social Democratic Party) wants to use public funds in order to bribe the mayors to support Ponta.

Another law which gravely violates the Constitution and changes the presidential election law is Ordinance 45/2014 which modifies the structure of BEC (Central Electoral Office) and of the polling stations. This cannot be done by an Ordinance.

This cannot be done by an Ordinance. This and the aforementioned Ordinance should have been attacked by The People’s Advocate at the CCR (Romania’s Constitutional Court)

Ordinance 55/2014, which relaunched the transfer period for mayors and councilors, is likely to affect the electoral process.

Other elements: CNA’s (National Audiovisual Council) functioning, where Ponta’s representative has nothing to do with observing how the campaign is being conducted.

The People’s Advocate is an annex of the Government; it has abandoned its mandate. It has attacked, without restraint, laws pertaining to national security.

• Basescu is attacking the Gendarmerie for the “Liberty Walk” (ro. “Plimbarea Libertatii”)

Another element, The Ministry of Interior, particularly the Gendarmerie. We are facing another phenomenon of excessive obedience to all that the PSD represents, from a clown at a television station to demonstrations, the evidence that the institution also gave in to it is essential to maintain order.

What confidence can we have in the gendarmerie when, and this is coming from the President, they allowed journalists from the press unfavorable to the power to be beaten, but a whole division goes if a clown from television is disturbed by motorcycles, but the clown is a supporter of Ponta’s?

I publicly demand the dismissal of the head of the Gendarmerie.

• About Prime Minister Victor Ponta’s statement which compared Basescu’s regime with Nazism

I forcefully protest against the Prime Minister’s declaration which brings grave prejudice to the Romanian state and to the credibility of Romania: “I believe that the impact on the Romanian society left by the ten years of the Basescu regime are quite similar to those left by the Nazi regime on Germany”

This is a declaration that does a lot of harm to the credibility of the state and of the government.

• About the European Commissioner

All of my discussions were about the necessity of ensuring a significant portfolio. I know that he was baffled by the list that had the name of Corina Cretu on it. Victor Viorel should not be frightened, it was a joke launched in Bruxelles.

The people in Bruxelles have a sense of humor and launched this joke two days after Victor Viorel related what complicated negotiations he had had.

I can assure you that Romania will have a portfolio that will be nothing to be ashamed of; he just got scared because of a joke.

• About the impeachment

I ask Calin Anton Constantin Popescu Tariceanu to thoroughly read the Constitution. They cannot plan a vote on the 23rd of September and a Referendum on the 2nd of November. It is clearly stated that the President can be suspended for a maximum of 30 days.

My request to Tariceanu “Romping Heart” is to read the Constitution and to not make a fool of himself once again with the schedule given by Voiculescu.
