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duminică, 15 septembrie 2024 - 1:36
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PM Cîțu scared of early elections: This would be a mistake


On the verge of a huge change on the political scene, Prime Minister Florin Cîțu declared, on Sunday evening, in Blaj, Alba county, that early elections would be a mistake and that a stable government is needed.

„I believe that early elections in Romania would be a mistake. Only those who do not want the good of PNL (National Liberal Party) and the Romanian people, would want to throw Romania in early elections at this moment,” Florin Cîțu said.

„We are still in the pandemic. Winter is coming, energy bills we already know are rising and we need to adopt those measures. I believe that only one who does not want the good of the Romanians wishes to throw the country in early elections at this moment, today,” the PM also said.

Florin Cîțu was present on Sunday evening in the Blaj Municipality where he presented, within the PNL Alba County Steering Board, the candidacy motion to the chairmanship of the National Liberal Party.